<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Quercetin",<br />"description":"Quercetin is a natural occurring flavonoid that’s found in many plants, fruit, and vegetables, such as apples, onions, berries, broccoli, beans, grapes, and green and black tea. Quercetin is a flavonoid responsible for giving them their colour. It’s a powerful antioxidant and supports immune and respiratory health.",</p>
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<h3>What is Quercetin?</h3>
<p>Quercetin is a naturally occurring yellow flavonoid that is found in multiple plants, fruit, and vegetables. Flavonoids are antioxidants, that help to protect the plant and its fruit from <strong>free radical</strong> damage. These same antioxidant properties are conveyed to us as humans when we consume them through our food.</p>
<h3>Benefits of a Quercetin</h3>
<li>Rich in antioxidants</li>
<li>Supports immune and general health</li>
<li>Supports bowel function and happy microbiome</li>
<li>Supports clear airways and the body’s response to <strong>seasonal allergens</strong>, ills and chills</li>
<li>Supports the body’s respiratory response to environmental and seasonal changes</li>
<h3>Quercetin foods</h3>
<p>Some of the best natural food sources of Quercetin include:</p>
<p>A great example of NZ grown <strong>wholefood source</strong> of flavonoids is <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/specialty-supplements/blackcurrant/" target="_blank">Blackcurrants</a>.</p>
<h3>Quercetin Supplements</h3>
<p>Although found in many of our foods, to facilitate optimal absorption, Quercetin is often taken as a supplement. It comes in tablets, capsules, powders, liposomal liquid, and even a gel. </p>
<p>Most of the supplements that you come across, will also contain other bioflavonoids, and antioxidants like <strong>Quercetin with bromelain</strong> or with <strong>Quercetin with Vitamin C</strong>. These other constituents – also naturally found in fruit and vegetables - are what assists with bioavailability and absorption.</p>
<p>Looking for more clear airways support? Here’s <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/blog/shop-5-hayfever-bestsellers-for-seasonal-allergies/" target="_blank">5 Hayfever bestsellers for seasonal allergies</a>.</p>
<p>Quercetin supplements are a part of the <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/specialty-supplements/" target="_blank">Specialty Supplements range</a> here at HealthPost.</p>
<p>Always check the directions and contraindications for your chosen product before you buy Quercetin.</p>
<p> </p>
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